Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vampires: Are they out there?

Okay so I decided to do vampires first lol. While you read this i reccomend listening to the song INSaNiTY the frost mix english version because it's amazing ermahgurd.

So I was googling stuff and blah blah and let's get this show on the rode.

1. Is there scientific evidence that vampires exist?
Actually there is! I was so happy when I found this, now I can have my own Kaname or Zero. It's been skeletons with another set of canines found in Europe. But these are HUMAN skeletons. But these aren't kids skeletons but full adult skeletons. How is this possible idk. But i answered my first question. Next week I'll be looking for more stuff.

So see you then my Angels~
~♥Kawaii Angel♥~

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