Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vampires: Are they out there?

Okay so I decided to do vampires first lol. While you read this i reccomend listening to the song INSaNiTY the frost mix english version because it's amazing ermahgurd.

So I was googling stuff and blah blah and let's get this show on the rode.

1. Is there scientific evidence that vampires exist?
Actually there is! I was so happy when I found this, now I can have my own Kaname or Zero. It's been skeletons with another set of canines found in Europe. But these are HUMAN skeletons. But these aren't kids skeletons but full adult skeletons. How is this possible idk. But i answered my first question. Next week I'll be looking for more stuff.

So see you then my Angels~
~♥Kawaii Angel♥~


I said hey what's up hello..
LOL okay so for this blog post i'm gonna guide you through the crazy world of cons.
So this year i'm going to
Kawaii Kon
Youma Con
Penguin Con
So i've never been to Kawaii Kon and this year will be my first year. But I can tell you about the last three.
So A-Kon is pretty hectic, there's panels everywhere and ask a anime charecter.
So i'm having le panel this year and it's gonna be crazy. But nevermind that.
You have to have a question you wanna ask you favorite anime charecter. LIKE OMFG WHAT WOULD I SAY TO TAMAKI!?!?!?! (Or Italy or whatever)
Then you can't get lost in a crowd or anything, so stay close to your group lol.

Youma Con
Youma con is not as hectic as  A-Kon, It's more orginaized and it only lasts 1 day. I'm cosplaying as Hatsune Miku for Youma Con yayyyy. Anywho it's a Attack On Titan panel this year i think. But it's not really any lines or anything so it's pretty cool.

Penguin Con
Penguin con started off as a penguin convention lol no lie. Now they have panels on everything from Fitness to Anime and it lasts two weeks. SO YAY

Okay okay i'm done.
See ya my angels~
~♥Kawaii Angel♥~