Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Well hello everyone. I've been busy.Ya know school and homework...Lots and lots of homework... SO...I'm not posting anything VOCALOID related. PSYCH!!

I have my own VOCALOID her name is Flower look at the VOCALOID WIKI if you don't believe that's a real VOCALOID.

Gomensai I had to post this, Crypton wants her to get out more.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I am taking request on what i should talk about!!!!!!! Tell me on
Twitter: @Goofycale
Google+: +Aoki Lapis 
Roblox: skyrimwerewolfgirl
Follow, Add me to circles and friend me ^_^


The song Senbonzakura is about a war in Japan that happened years ago. Some of the people in my VOCALOID fan club at school has been wondering what does ICBM mean. By definetion A ICBM is a bomb. I think it's about when America attacked Japan. The thing is...e keeps saying look down on us from your guillotene so that means Someone is going to get executed (OMG) She also says A banquet inside of a steel jail sell.So that means...(actually i have no idea what it means my dad is helping me translate the Japanese in the song) She also says The world is covered in a hellish darknes I think that is symbolism.. She also says Shoot your raygun in the sky or something like that she wants to kill the darkness from the sky. SHe also says Jump off your guiotillne Which means the suffering is over. I think she says You gotta be on the move or it's nothing. Which means you better keep moving or you're gonna die.  You and you too everyone gather up saints come marching in 1,2,3,4. I never got that lyric so idk moving on! Cirtenly the curtain will be drawn with a happy ending. That means that they won't be defeated and everything will be ok. One thousand cherry blossoms desolve into the night, when you sing i'll dance That dosen't make since! Hurry up and shoot that light beam gun! Sometime I get confused with this song and picture them fighting demons LOLZ 
TTYL XOX!!!!!!!!!!!1
Le links
Senbonzakura English subs by Ryuu Tensai (I didn't use it but maybe you need to) //
Senbonzakura on Nico Nico Video


I made a new segment called give this song some meaning it tells the meaning ofSo here is some real posting. Matryoshka....I FINALLY FOUND SOME INFO ON THE SONG. ^_^ So the meaning of it is.....
The song represents the different layers of insanity (I thought the song insanity showed insanity) They hide there true self ( I forgot to mention Matryoshka dolls) The core of Matyoshka dolls are pure insanity (sounds more like the song insanity) But the song Matryoshka gets more and more creepy as you listen to it. The MV is scary and intence especially the part where Gumi is saying Randebuu it scares me so bad. And then the end speeds up so i'm all like WTF is going on. So back to the meaning it gets more intence because more insanity is being released and Gumi commits scuicide at the end because the insanity got too insane. So I have the Nico Nico Video of it. ^_^ Have a nice day ^_^


This is my first time blogging so...
KONNICHIWA everyone from google+ to Twitter and more.  i'll keep you updated with the latest VOCALOID things ^_^